Highlights of the 2023 EITI Global Conference

The EITI last month held its ninth EITI Global Conference, gathering 1,300 stakeholders from 93 countries to discuss trends and priorities for natural resource governance in the era of energy transition.
Hosted by the Government of Senegal in Dakar, the event made history as the first Global Conference hosted in Africa since the EITI was established 20 years ago.
There is a highlights video and event photos available, or hear from conference participants on how the EITI is making an impact in their countries and why it will be important to advance extractives transparency through the energy transition.
The conference also saw the distribution of the EITI Chair Awards, which were awarded to Argentina, Mauritania and Ukraine as well as outgoing Board members, Awa Marie Coll-Seck of Senegal and Oleksiy Orlovsky of Ukraine, for their outstanding contributions to the EITI community. Read more about the winners.